Web design and logo design

Web design and logo design

Web design and logo design2020-06-21T18:26:00+03:00

The design of the website has long become a separate field of activity with its features and professional tricks. Today, when ordering a design project for your web resource, you receive a set of services aimed at creating a convenient and functional structure with conditions for the most effective presentation of information, not just a creative process.


Each relatively complex process can be divided into conceptual stages, responsible for the creation of one or another element of the project. Web design development is usually done in the following order:

  • Formation of a scope statement
  • Development of web design on the main page
  • Creating the design of the type pages
  • Design of additional sections
  • HTML coding

As with any technical project, the creation of a website requires a clear formulation of the tasks, development of the individual elements and their connection in a common functional system.

Without a wording of the terms of reference, no qualified designer can handle the project in the right way. The clear set of tasks ensures the consistent work of several specialists, eliminating possible misunderstandings between the client and the contractor. The following questions are often included in the terms of reference for the development of web design:

  • customer requirements in the field of artistic and technical performance
  • List of competitors with a good web design
  • Range of colors in which the site will be developed, the font
  • Corporate style elements that are desirable to use in development
  • Resource structure (number of supposed pages, sequence, transitions, links)
  • Availability of program scripts
  • Perspectives for future development and expansion of the resource

The main page of the site is the key element in the design and it depends on how professionally it is done, and also on this page depends the popularity of the site among visitors. According to statistics, most people evaluate the site by its cover and main page. The development of the subsections of the site is subject to the basic rules formed in the process of creating the main section and designing the overall style.
Additional sections, as well as the forum, may have their own design, so they are often developed separately. In the final part of the design, the designer engages with HTML coding, in the process of which all the finished elements of web design are combined into a common system, with which the programmer must then work.


When a designer starts a logo project, he spends a lot of time finding out about the organization for which he will make the logo and its clients. Let’s dive into the process and find out what a logo should sell as an idea.

Most designers follow several principles when creating a company logo.


The design of the logo should be easy to understand and quickly recognizable. It should not be distracting, cluttered with elements, and how long it would take people to remember a logo idea..


When creating a logo, it is necessary to make it so that after 10, 20 or 50 years it will be relevant. Also, when scaling the logo, it is judged whether the quality will be lost and whether the logo will read well on a 50% reduction of the screen. Good readability in different media is also a criterion.


Does the logo resonate with the desired audience? Depending on the aesthetic understandings of the brand’s customers, the style of the logo designer’s idea is determined.